Comique Revolution


This label’s metaphor, “Cut the Fluff,” is a direct message to the industry to make good wine without the bells and whistles. The modified artwork was abstracted from a mezzotint published by Sayer & Bennet in 1776, “The Ridiculous Taste of the Ladies Obscurity,” and “The Macaroni” by Philip Dawe in 1773.

The label was printed on copper paper with black ink and finished with a copper cap.

Comique Revolution is a private label I developed with Philip Muzzy and Josh McFadden for Trader Joe’s while I was a Senior Designer at Proof Wine Collective, a wine branding firm in San Luis Obispo.


Packaging + Illustration + Photo Editing + Typography + Pre-Press + Press Check


Trader Joe’s


“They’d add extravagance to out do one another; cost was a virtue, scarcity a prize. We told them they’d topple, but they never listened.”

sylvia aranda